About Us
The Metropolitan Black Police Association was born in September 1994.
Its inception came at a time when Black and Asian Officers and Staff were a rarity and underrepresented in the MPS, in the areas of Rank and Specialism.
As the MPS has grown, so have we; we are now represented by over 4000 Officers. The Metropolitan Police Service is starting the journey of reflecting the communities that it serves.
The ambition for the MPS is to mirror the 40% of London from diverse backgrounds and the MetBPA and its membership are on hand to help with the task. Although representation for gender has increased and is on an upward trajectory we will remain focused on ethnic diversity within the strand and will champion other protected characteristics.
Our Founder Members reflect on the difficult and challenging circumstances they faced whilst doing the job that they loved, recalling stories to us like parents to their children; supporting and inspiring us.
Their legacy of determination and resilience that they have passed on to us is a constant point of refocus, reminding us that nothing worthwhile happens in a short space of time.
As the MPS is growing and developing, so is our relationship within the Policing Community. Black and Asian Officers have attained the Rank and Specialisms and epitomise the vision of the Founder Members. Our vantage point and conversation is acknowledged and recognised.
The MetBPA continues to be the communication tool and conduit for change, growth and development in an established organisation that welcomes and seeks our input, point of reference and support. Our relationship within the MPS is just that; providing and encouraging constant dialogue on matters that affect us all.
Sometimes we agree, sometimes we disagree but we always communicate; the basis of any successful relationship.
Our Association and the organisation have grown together, striving to seek out a more inclusive and cohesive relationship, where we both know that growth and further development is a necessity and not a negative.
The Executive Committee and the MetBPA membership look toward to an inclusive and integrated relationship going forward, where the objectives that we share with the wider Policing Community, contribute to and enhance an improved and evolving Metropolitan Police Service, where our aims and objectives are the same in relation to the recruitment, progression and retention of Black and Asian personnel and those from our diverse communities and that our desire to achieve them together will be equally matched.