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Revival is the Metropolitan Black Police Association’s ant-violence programme which focuses on the reduction of violence within the black community.
The initiative encourages individuals from local communities to engage locally to find solutions. The philosophy underpinning Revival is based on a ‘Public Health Approach’ to violence as defined by the World Health Organisation (WHO), with this in mind the Association provides support to local community organisations working in various ways to reduce violence. The youth and Education arm of the Association manages directly engagement with young people on these issues.

Revival Strands are:

  • Anti-violence workshops held within the black community
  • ‘Celebration of Life Concert’, attracting audiences of over 2000.
  • Engagement of various faith groups
  • Partnerships with like minded community groups

Through the ‘Celebration of Life’ concert,  Revival attracts significant media attention resulting,  in free editorials and features in National and local news papers, radio and magazines.  This facilitates discussion in regard to violence to audiences that are not normally engaged with the issue.