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Metropolitan Police Racism Complaint

The MetBPA Express Outrage at Racism Complaint:

The Metropolitan Black Police Association is extremely concerned regarding the recent allegation of racial abuse by officers of the Metropolitan Police Service towards a young black man. Bevan Powell, Chair of the Association stated, “There can be no room for racism within the MPS or any other police service in the UK. We look to the Commissioner and head of the Mayor’s Office of Policing and Crime (MOPC) to show leadership on this issue and to reassure the public that racism within the Met will not be tolerated”.

The Metropolitan Black Police Association is willing to work alongside the leadership of the MPS to show a united and assertive front that demonstrates zero tolerance for racism.

If the MPS is to have the confidence of all section of the community it must demonstrate that it will treat all allegation of racism very seriously. Those found guilty of racism must face dismissal and be put before the courts, which relies on the consistency of the CPS; especially when the CPS can agree to prosecute a person for sending racist tweets that subsequently ends up in a 56 day custodial sentence. It is imperative that the CPS assess cases involving police officers, as alleged perpetrators of a crime, as they would with members of the public.

The Stephen Lawrence Inquiry report: Recommendation 57 states:

“That the Police Services should through the implementation of a Code of Conduct or otherwise ensure that racist words or acts proved to have been spoken or done by police officers should lead to disciplinary proceedings, and that it should be understood that such conduct should usually merit dismissal”

The MetBPA are calling upon the MPS to carryout an urgent review of the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry recommendations.


Chair, Bevan Powell is in dialogue with MOPC and the Senior Leadership Team of the MPS to give reassure to the public that racist behaviour will receive zero tolerance.

All enquiries by email to: info@metbpa.org.uk
